Tuesday, November 20, 2007

In the Kitchen

November 20th

One of my favorite places to sit is on the kitchen floor. I like to sit against the stove while I'm cooking something to stay warm (I get cold often. I even sleep in sweats pants in the summer. Romantic huh?). I like to read while sitting there. Sometimes I like to enjoy a nice cup of Earl Grey. It's just a great spot. Well now I have someone that likes to join me on the kitchen floor. It's our favorite place. And our favorite thing to eat while sitting on the kitchen floor is brownie batter. I rarely make brownies to eat the actual brownies.....I make them just to eat the batter and if I get the brownies cooked that's fine, if not, that's fine too.

Tomorrow I will post the recipe for them. But today I'm sharing with you the fun I get to have with my son while cooking.

It's also a good time to practice singing....we were singing the puppy song here ("how much is that doggy in the window, etc") and it's quite obvious my son is definately into it. Excuse the horrible picture, but this was just too cute not to show.

Next it was time to look at cars going by. A hat was required for this and it took quite a while to find the right one. He tried them all on, but needed the one to match. Wonder where in world he would get that kind of trait from.

Italy photos are in process. It's taking a while. But have no fear, it won't be long.

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