Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have an area in the house where I wanted some close ups of birch bark. (It's not my area, but I still deem it my job to decorate in such areas) so while we were out this summer in the mountains, I grabbed a few of these. I was in an area where a lot of the bark had fallen off the trees... so, I picked it up and brought it home with hopes I would find something to do with it. 

So I finally did this week. During the fall, I've gotten away from decorating with all the cutsie figurines, knicknacks etc and such for the holidays....I bring the outside in, I like to use as much from nature as I can. It seems more real. More modern. The grown up me.  This is what I did with the bark and I filled it with pine cones from the front yard that I little one likes to go and collect for me.  And since I normally have those filled with candles, I surrounded it by candles to show it off.