Monday, December 15, 2008

House Party

We attended our first ever gingerbread house making party this past weekend. We walked in to a huge table FULL of candy and crackers and prebuilt houses. It was a child's fantasy. (the photo below only shows about 1/8 of what was there.) And I can just about bet that no kiddo there didn't have some sort of sugar rush/ crash that night. I know mine did. I thought this was a super clever idea. The kids LOVED it. Though, I do have to say trying to stick graham crackers to cardboard with honey, was kind of disastrous. Frosting sticks just a bit better. Live and learn.
(I apologize in advance for the not so great photos....not much I could do with artificial lighting... )

This was all that mine got accomplished before being distracted.....

And I know this sounds like a mom and kiddo kind of party, but the dad's came too. They played poker while we crafted!


Shannon said...

So good to see you today! Glad you like the fact that I stalk your blog every day. You're so cute! :)

Jeannie Reeves said...

oh how fun!!!