Wednesday, June 25, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things.....

Week 26: Summer

I love open windows and sunlight passing through sheer curtains.

Screen doors with outside noises filling up the inside.

Crisp white sheets on the bed and late morning naps on them. The way my skin looks darker against them.

Clothes lines full of colors blowing in the breeze. Breathing their freshness fully before I bring them in.

Lemonade, the pink kind.


Water to play in. Dip my toes in. Swim in. Water laden eyelashes.

Hanging my arm out the window of the car after the sun has gone down. Street lights. Romantic dash lights.

Soft summer music over the radio....and sometimes not so soft.
Lingering light.



Flip flops. Bare naked toes.

Smoldering heat.

Coffee outside in the morning.

Hot cement.

Cotton blouses saved for the occasion of a hot day.

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