Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Abstruse Break

Today I took a small break from all the Christmas hullabaloo to actually photograph something. Up close and personal. I've been wanting to make a collage of iron things for a while, but alas, had time for only one good photo. The collage will have to wait...because when I got back into the car, in which my child and my dog were suppose to be patiently waiting (I was 5 feet from the car and out for less than 30 seconds) they had managed to crawl out of their seats and push every button in the vehicle. It was honking at me with the windshield wipers flailing to and fro and water squirting everywhere, lights blinking, radio blaring, both of them grinning ear to ear (I know dogs don't grin, but he was, I swear)......and this was just the beginning of the afternoon.

I do kinda like this. It would work I think. and I know it's a little askewed, but so am I..... so.....


Lisa Walsh said...

I love it!

And just so you know, I scored some tins that will be PERFECT for making that hand lotion recipe! I'm so excited!

Stacey J. said...

The more I look at it, the more I like it.'re going to make lotion?!!!! Yay!!! everyone here has loved it, but I think they like it because I scented it.