Monday, January 18, 2010

Repurposed Sweater Projects

I've been trying very hard, in this new old house of mine to keep things Au natural, the decorating is a slow process for me this time around as I'm thinking about it a little bit more. Don't get me wrong I have already spent a small fortune on new furniture, but I want the surrounding things to be natural or remade. I'm constantly reminded of how much I already have and I have piles and piles of things in the basement that are awaiting garage sale season. So, this time around I want to make sure I got use out of what I already have.

This is just a little project I did. Really quick. Really simple. Before throwing away this old sweater I decided that it needed to have a second life. If only for a while.

My loft, is completely cream/ white. (the above is the bedroom in it) I love cream and white. It will be decorated in only black and white photos or those of the natural color scheme. I've always wanted a white area, full of afternoon and morning sunlight, and now I have it!!! (I'm getting complaints there is no color anywhere yet... but no fear, there will other areas!)

I'm always looking for things to fill space, but not necessarily knick knacks. These orbs are all over the place right now, so I decided to make my own cozy warm ones. All I did was cut out 6 shapes and tack them to Styrofoam balls. I left the edges raw, as I love raw edges. (I have a lot of clothing with raw edges, so this seemed to just "fit" me). Easy as that. Not hard. Simple.

Song: Weezer, Sweater Song


Sherrie said...

I love the orbs! And the cream / white (same as our bedroom - sooo calming) and enamel is lovely. Great sweater ideas! :)

Dominique Long said...

This room looks beautiful! So shabby style exactley!