Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Favorite Color

Though it's a few days late (been on the road a bit the last few days) I thought I would share the St. Patty's day experience of my household. First of all, I really, really love St. Patty's. It's one of my favorite holidays (just because it's one of those that requires less pressure from the outside world) and because one of its main purposes is to celebrate my favorite color: GREEN!!! Now, I'm not a green bandwagon jumper. I have always loved green... though I will admit that the shades of green to which I'm drawn are a little different than they used to be, but none-the-less, I still love it.

My son woke to green milk from the Leprechauns. He didn't want to drink it, but he wanted to make sure that it was there waiting for him when he was ready. After school (thanks to my husband, because I didn't have spare time during the early day) he came home to a trail of pennies strewn through the house at which the end was $2 whole dollars which he will promptly spend on new bubble gum balls.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the kitchen with my carrot stealing brother in law. He and I normally spend most holidays and special events in the kitchen together and have often thought how happy we are there and why can't we do this everyday. He took the lead with the Corned Beef and Cabbage (something I don't eat, thus don't cook....) So, I cooked all the extras.... all the green extras. Green bacon Beans. Green Broccoli. Green jello. Green Fruit Dip covered in rainbow fruit. Sprite in Green bottles. Green milk in green bottles. Of course green beer! It was an uber green meal!!! (Told you I love green!) We celebrated with about 10 of us.
Recipe for Green Fruit Dip:
1 14 ounce tub of Marshmallow cream
1 package cream cheese.
1 package green jello.
Mix well. Dip. And double dip when no one is looking!

And if you have ever wondered about the fate of unicorns....

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