A Proud Day
As a parent I'm always suprised at the things that pull at my heart strings and bring me to tears. I would have never imagined that these types of things would cause any emotion in the least let alone require a box of kleenex. This was one of those days. I could have never imagined that the sight of this would make me dab my eyes. ..Because after all.....it's a proud moment. ...A big milestone. ..Yet, I cried as my little one put on his first pair of underwear.
And then proceeded to text message one of his friends. (Just kidding, he probably crank called someone instead)
PS......the diaper went on 10 minutes later because he thinks the potty is only a place for bugs to be flushed.
Cute... Ben is potty-trained now. We started late but it went smoothly. They just seem to be so much older once they potty train. I'm not even allowed to help Ben anymore, because he can do it himself he says.
Where does the time go?!?!?!
Holly~ I think this is going to be a LONG process at my house, as is anything with him. He's completely afraid of the potty. Can't even to get him to sit on it fully clothed without him screaming like his little hiney is on fire. Not really going to push it. I really don't care all that much. He'll be ready when he's ready and no sooner.
Kara~ it slips away without a second glance sometimes....
Ben says he likes Elmo underwear and that it's his favorite. He said "You buy Elmo underwear tonight."
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