Thursday, September 4, 2008


Me: I'm sooooooo sorry baby, I broke your little red car (Feeling so much remorse my heart was hurting and looking forward to a huge tantrum.)

Park: (brow somewhat furrowed) dat's a bummer. (pause and a sigh.....getting a happier face) Dat's OK mama, we'll fix it. No biggie.


Lisa Walsh said...

Aww! Kinda makes you feel worse, doesn't it? Like if he just threw a big tantrum it would be easier to deal with? At least that's how I always feel, anyway.

Kara said...

Oh, no! How did that happen?

I first looked at this at work today, where blogs are blocked. I have the password to unblock them, but can't see pictures. So I thought it was just a little toy car, not this one! :(

Stacey J. said...

Lisa~ Actually it made me feel much better. I was laughing so hard that he used the word "bummer", something he obviously picked up from me.

Kara~I didn't know he had got it out and I dragged it under the car for while pulling out of the driveway on the way to the gym.