Saturday, April 5, 2008


Can you guess where we've been today???.....

The Butterfly Pavilion!!! It was so beautiful there!! There's a million butterfies hanging out in one little area just like the rain forest. It's so completely amazing and colorful. I learned that the average lifespan of the butterflies living there is two weeks. That's it.

I found these two plants tangled in each others arms and thought they were so romantic. I have no idea what they are (I was taking pictures, watching a toddler out of the corner of my eye and trying to listen to the instructor talk....I forgot to read the sign to see what they were.)

Oh, and in case anyone is interested... my son held a tarantula today. Her name was Rosie. I didn't really want to hold his hand afterward, but I had to because I'm his mom. Regardless....he was very brave to do that.


Kara said...

And where is the picture of Parker and Rosie?!? He's much braver than I am. Gross and disgusting. I think it's funny he won't ride on the big airplane but he'll hold that gross thing. :)

Stacey J. said...

Yeah~ I left my camera in the bag while we were in the creepy bug room.....

Lisa Walsh said...

Gorgeous pictures Stacey! (And I'm trying not to go back and look at that stromboli again).

Stacey J. said...

Thanks Lisa! know you want to go back and look though :).